Technical scheme of 400-channel SOFC stack DC voltage data recorder


1、 Data recorder customer requirements

(1) 400-channel DC voltage acquisition, 200-channel each, divided into two sets;

(2) Each DC voltage acquisition range is 0-120V;

(3) DC voltage acquisition accuracy 0.5%, resolution 1mV;

(4) It can realize remote acquisition with the acquisition distance of 50-100 meters;

(5) It supports communication and can be programmed by computer to control and collect DC voltage data;

(6) Each acquisition point is completely isolated and does not affect each other;

2、 Technical scheme of Jiabaizhi data recorder

Provide two TP1000 data recorders, each with 200 DC voltage acquisition points, a total of 400 channels.

(1) Each host has 25 8-channel TP1758 voltage acquisition modules;

(2) Each DC voltage acquisition range is 0-120V;

(3) DC voltage acquisition accuracy 0.5%, resolution 1mV;

(4) The host control data is collected in the control room, and the remote acquisition module communicates with the host through RS485 or LAN port to transmit data;

(5) The remote acquisition distance of the recorder is 50-100 meters;

(6) Each acquisition point is completely isolated and does not affect each other;

(7) The module can be installed on U-shaped guide rail for easy integration;

